The objective of the IWC will be to work to conserve and restore autochthonous fauna and their habitat by providing action-oriented education, raising public awareness, promoting strategic associations and a responsible rehabilitation of the fauna, at the same time offering accommodation and services to welcome tourists from all around the world who want to contribute to the protection of this reserve. Between the members of the jury we emphasize Nathalie de Vries Director of Studio MVRDV, Federico Soriano Director of the Department of Architectural Projects in ETSA of Madrid, Felipe Assadi Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the University Finis Terrae, Sol Madridejos Director of Studio S-M.A.O. Sancho Madridejos Architecture Office and Vincent Pearson Founder and Director of Arquitectorial. In addition the project was published in Plataforma Arquitectura + Taller al Cubo + Magazine WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell + Pedacicos Arquitectónicos.
Kruger National Park (Africa)
January 2015